Invitation to the Family Day!

On the coming Sunday, May 12th , the first family day of the Gloygeschlechts takes place in Kellinghusen (central Holstein). You and your family are hereby most cordially invited to the participation.

The fixed participants meet around 2:30 in the large hall yon "city Hamburg", at the market Kellinghusen. In order to get an overview of the participants, an advance, punctual registration is urgently requested to the circle farmer leader Claus Gloy in Lokstedt, over Kellinghusen, central Holstein. The geneses Gloy in the different schreibarten Gloy, gloeye, Gloye, Gloeyer, Gloyr, Gloyer is probably one the oldest and by far most numerous in the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen. Equal to beginning of the church books around 1643 families of branches in the individual Dorfschaften of the Kirchspiels let themselves a whole row be determined. The oldest lines already are around 1599 in Lokstedt. Rade, will crowds, Overndorf, Fitzbek, Quarnstedt and Sarlhusen established demonstrably.

But is at that time already common the far over Kirchspiel Kellinghusen outside the name Gloy. Thus the oldest "register of the amptes tho seegberge van dew Jarv l537" a Gloy calls Hans's thom Hagenn in the Karspeel tho Bramstede, the oldest money office register of the circle Rendsburg vo 1602 Drewes Gloye in Brokstedt. Also in Sude with Itzehoe a Gloyer branch resides for over 300 years, while under these branches is by obvious, is not a connection with Dithmar Gloyer yet to be manufactured.

With German greeting!

Berthold Greve

Hamburg 4. Eimsbuettelerstrasse 23 A











Number 1. January 1937.


Family day.

In the spring of this yearly on Sunday, which 9 May, will take place in Kellinghusen the second Gloy day.

The purpose of this like all further Families meet, which are to be held from now on in regular consequence every two years in spring, is it above all to wake two different things to maintain and promote. First of all the feeling of the associate together the individual members of the kinship to each other, this strong families consciousness, which existed in earlier centuries unquestionable and which constitutes one of the fundamentals of our Holsteinischer history, this Families consciousness in addition, which understood since the center of the previous year and with that the ever more strongly becoming arising of industry and traffic and the associated drift of many branches of family into the large cities in shrinking was and which got new strength only by the large paging of our days. At us it is to use this new strength for the well-being of the kinship as components of our German people.

And secondly the associate together is to stand those the affiliation to for the old homeland, to which marks earth, which arable our ancestors in hard work made and cultivated, on that her engagement wedding, child baptism and Gildefeste celebrated, in addition, diseases epidemics, conflagration, water emergency and bad times of war experienced and suffered, and in that it to the last peace bedded to lie apart from this care.

So are to stand and on all family days cheerful sociability, holsteinische kind and down-German spirit foreground.

Family chronicle.

Between these family days and as the most important means, on them the winning out worker, as well as means to make the knowledge of the historical of the kinship accessible for each individual family member is if possible all quarter a small publication, whose first booklet is present here, to appear. In their sequentially both on the conditions of the work and on the history of the family one will report. All for continue working necessary or useful affairs are discussed and questions, which are placed from the kinship or these are answered to concern. And finally, however not yet in this available booklet, a special column will be dedicated in recent time to the had family events such as baptism, engagement, marriage and death. For this it is however necessary that it becomes firm custom, to communicate such family events to the specialist of the family tree.

How the arrangement of the individual publications is meant, is to be demonstrated in the following.

The oldest well-known Gloys in Holstein.

Although the most important source for the family research the church books are, of which later still in detail is to be reported, are the oldest data concerning the name Gloy nevertheless in other documents. Because before one remembered to make in the parsonage building recordings over the life of the municipality members in monastical, graeflichen and royal offices recordings were made, which, although completely different kind than the entries of the church books, for the knowledge of our ancestors are not less significant.

Here particularly other deliveries the recording of taxes and, which were to be paid to the national gentleman or the the same place assigned by it the collection, concern. And in such a way we find mentioned in Tonnyes Rantzouen Register of the jarlyken Upboringe, Broke unde Uttgifft vomd yar to XVO VIII the Vogedye Steynborchg (sound-sneeze Rantzau's register of the annual incomes, fines and expenditures from the year 1508 in the Vogtei stone castle) ton of Monsterdorppe, thus to Münsterdorf, palbell more gloier. It than in is resident indicated somewhat later the Karspell tho Itzehoe. These 1508 Paul mentioned Gloyer might be not only up to the present/immediate conditions of the research work well-known oldest name carriers of the kinship, but its name and its domicile say us still more.

Already on your first family day on 12 May 1935 was better said the question raised, soft way of writing today in so many modifications occurring Family names the more correct or, the older would be by palbell more gloier this question is answered. Name carrier up to the today's day this older write form Gloyer maintained (the y presses only a long i out, a sound, more ger in former times by double ii, then ij and y with put above it points was finally represented), sands itself the original write form off toward the east, in particular in the Kirchspie1 Kellinghusen, on Gloie or Gloye. Over 1750 are also the e at the end please and the surname nearly without exception Gloy are then written. It is interesting that a branch of family, that, in the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen in the church books before Gloy written, over 1760 after Lehmkuhl in the Kirchspiel Münsterdorf come, soon thereafter Gloyer are written and this name still today there and in Hamburg borne.

If both for the first family day and for this publication the recent way of writing of the name of the kinship were selected, so only, because from the today living persons family with were arranged the predominant majority Gloy writes. Meant however Gloy are always both the Gloyers and the Gloiers, the Gloers, the Gloes, the Gloies, the Glois and finally the Gloys with further use of the write form.

An exact explanation of the surname is to be brought only in a later booklet. However it is communicated already now that the explanation of the name from that of an occupation, i.e. that of the schmiedes - the master Gluesing, how he is called also today still in some parts of Low Germany probably most probability for itself has.

But over on palbell more gloier to return, also its domicile gives up to us certain assumptions. In Rethwisch at Münsterdorf as can be prove a Gloyer family tree exists and is today in hands of Johannes Gloyer since beginning of the church books, thus for three hundred years, with whose ancestor regularly the first name Paul returns. Is this line connected with palbell more gloier, does represent it direct away setting, is perhaps that Rethwi yard still the same, which 1508 held palbell more gloier? And further. Those today and as can be prove since approximately two hundred fifty years in Heiligenstedten established Gloyer line came at that time from Herfarth, comes however not from there. Isn't it possible that also it descends from Paul Gloyer and came from Rethwisch as the recent branch over Herfarth to Heiligenstedten? All of this are questions, which can be solved only after a thorough and far drawing back research work.

One is however already today during the reading of these lines to therefore Rethwisch master yard and the oldest Gloyer of 1508 into a line to bring itself could, answered raising objections that Rethwisch belongs nevertheless to the Kirchspie1 Neuenbrook and is resident called that palbell more gloier than in the Kirchspiel Itzehoe, that. 1508 are a date, which decreases/goes back still into the vorreformatorische, thus catholic time. And at that time the church allocation of the country saw somewhat differently out as today. The Kirchspiel Münsterdorf did not exist at all yet, but became only independent municipality. At present palbell gloiers it was eingepfarrt still after Itzehoe. The two residence designations tho Monsterdorppe and in the Karspell tho Itzehoe do not contradict themselves thus. Whether however also Rethwisch or at least the part, in which the Gloyer master yard is was eingepfarrt at that time also after Itzehoe, could yet is not determined, is however quite possible, since at that time e.g. also Kronsmoor belonged in the today's Kirchspiel width mountain after Itzehoe.

But the church allocation of the country was non-only differently than today, also the national in the course of the centuries strong changes experienced. Thus the old office Rendsburg rose up the far over today's circle Rendsburg outside into the current circle stone castle, i.e. to Vorbruegge, Muehlenbarbek and Lohbarbek. And so we must look for Rendsburg in the old control registers of the office, if we want to determine whether the Gloys so numerous in the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen sat also in former times already there.

Straight ones in the last months in each case returned by a welcome exchange between Germany and Denmark so far the documents and documents concerned in public records Kiel and Copenhagen present and the other country to the old homeland. While the oldest Rendsburger in the money office register in public records Kiel from the year 1606 came and the older Archivalien was in public records Copenhagen, we can see today also the office calculations of the old office Rendsburg of 1538, 1540, 1541 and 1589 in Kiel.

In the oldest office register, we find to that of 1538 also under the Hufnern of the Kellinghusser Karspells to Locstede Hans Gloie and to Rensingh Drewes Gloie. While we find the first name Drewes mentioned in Rostorf one hundred years later again, more 'er however then, is the first name Hans becomes extinct in the kinship Gloy - as is still shown later - with wietem the prevailing. We may thus calmly to assume that this Hufner Hans Gloie to Lockstedt, which before four hundred years lived there, if also does not represent the master father of the Gloys, who is to be searched in far older time, probably however a direct ancestor of many of them.

A detailed representation of the oldest Gloys can be given only if the documents of the old offices Rendsburg, stone castle and Segeberg are completed, which are today collected in public records in Kiel, if archives of the monastery Itzehoe are examined only to some extent sighted and that the property rule width castle, which contains an almost inexhaustible abundance of material, only in something.

While today in Dithmar quite numerous branch, the kinship Gloy becomes established only after 1650 there and probably originates from the Kellinghusener area, already very early name carriers seem to the kinship Gloy in the Eutiner area. On both groups is to be reported only later.

Further older name carriers in the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen.

How many problems still the solution await and as numerously the possibilities are also beyond the church books to older time of family history material to be given. The debt and pledge minutes of the Vogtei Rostorf, which was led since 1630 on lock width castle, show us - to pick out around only one possibility - and which represents a kind forerunner of the today's land register. In it the debts and Pfaender were registered, which rested on a yard, in addition, the sales of the yards receives short mention and, if one has luck, sometimes also family conditions of the salesman or testator. Unfortunately however the debt and pledge minutes are particularly in older time quite incomplete. It was only patriated in the course of the time, in, to announce and against an appropriate fee register there let the legal transactions made with the Hofe after width castle.

The entries over the kinship Gloy contained in this Folianten dickleibigen bound in pig leathers and, are in short rendition the following.

Marten Gloye is Anno 1631 Bauernvogt in Lohbarbek.

Claus Gloyer (exeptionally the western cry form was used here) to Rade vouches to Martini l642 for 100 Marks lübisch.

Johan Gloye, citizen to Itzehoe, borrows 1639 money to a Hufner in Oeschebuettel.

Henneke Meser has property after wartime (1627 are meant) together with to Fitzbek belegenen hoof of its

Juergen Gloye possesses 1634 to Rostorf a Kate, which inherits later its daughter Lencke, than it marries itself with Marx Meusfeld.

Drewes Gloye possesses also a Katenstelle.

Tim Gloyen of children, whose guardian is Juergen Gloye, borrow to Rade 100 Marks to 1634 at Claus's wiping man lübisch.

Anno 1651 gives Juergen Gloy 60 Marks lübisch and signs the contract with a cross, its to personal Mark, as the graeflidhe property writer notes thereby. He lives over disturbs with Rostorf.

Caspar Gloye buys a Kate to 1656 to Hollenbek, Detlev Gloye 1679 a Katenstelle also dortselbszt, which he however already after three years again at Ties runge resale.

Hans Gloye buys one before in bankruptcy hooves gone on 1 May 1688 in Rade. Its son of same first name receives the yard April 1720, to its son Hinrich again the yard on 19 August 1753. While the yard is lübisch paid 1720 still with 600 Marks, Hinrich Gloy must give 1753 the double, i.e. 1200 Marks of luebschen money to its father. And in such a way increases the purchase sum still today in the possession of the family present and beside that Rethwi and Heiligenstedtener thus third master yard of the kinship Gloy from erbteilung to erbteilung.

Money and coinage of earlier times.

It would be however wrong, these purchase prices always rising only from value size rank of the yard by verb improved management, purchase of new ouples to explain vermehrung of the livestocks and other ameliorations out. Also these facts contributed surely to a purchase price increase into the recent time. With comparison of the prices in earlier year hundreds with those the Jetztzeit may not one however on the other hand forget that the purchasing power of the money was in former times importantly larger.

There this fact with the later treatment family history to consider again and again is lübisch and terms such as Marks, Schilling and Reichstaler continuously returns, may some words here about the monetary system to it-paint to be said.

Muenzeinheit was in 16. Century the Mark lübisch, which was divided into 16 Schillings. A Schilling disintegrated into 12 Pfennig. From the silver mines of the resin won and in Joachimstal the coined/shaped gulden groschen, briefly Joachimstaler, late Reichstaler and finally simply Taler mentioned, became 1622 on 48 Schillings. (I believe line is missing)

What were the prices of the most usual agriculture now at that time lichen articles? Around 1600 two large oxen cost 20 Marks of Luebecker currency (in the following the Mark is lübisch briefly named ml and the Schilling with ss) of two cows 10 ml a pig 1 ml to 8 ss, a sheep 10 ss, a goose 3 ss, a chicken 1 ss. 20 eggs cost the same price of a Schilling. A ton wheat or rye costs 2 ml, a ton oats 12 ss, a ton book wheat or barley 1 ml to 8 ss and a ton honey 16 ml. The price of a Fuders hay was 6 ss, some Fuders wood 2 ss. Thousand masonry units cost 10 ml. If now some believes during the reading of these prices that our ancestors in the abundance lived, where a chicken cost nevertheless only the sechzehnten part of a Mark, thus after today's terms to something over six Pfennig, that is said that daily wages amounted to only 6 at that time ss, thus about 37 Pfennig.

But again back to the kinship Gloy! To bring the name carriers specified in the Breitenburger debt and pledge minutes and the names contained in the numerous other sources of the older time with the members of the kinship Gloy specified in the first church books in connection and to assemble from this the family tree in its individual branches, in addition it requires likewise are received like comprehensive treatment. Only already on the first family day discussed the way, i.e. all in the church books contained of a Kirchspiels and the names Gloy respectively. Gloyer entries concerned in the wording to take out exactly and only then try to prepare and connect with out different sources received the facts the individual branches of family, leads to the at all possible best and safest result.

So we must turn and above all the church books. They are not at all - as shown - the only source of the family research, an opinion, which is far common, in the opposite, the other sources are by far larger at quantity. Probably however unfortunately are the church books of the keys and the none for the Sippenfor chung. Only with their assistance one can sight and arrange the confusing abundance of material.

General over the church books.

The guidance of the church books in Holstein begins on the average around 1650. Only in few Kirchspielen the entries decrease/go back into a importantly earlier time, thus in Grossenbrode at the Fehmarn (MISSING LINE?) 1584 and the marriage register 1586 put on are. War and conflagrations destroyed however some already existing church book in later time again, so that e.g. in Stellau after your the church books are received to fire of the Pastorates only from 1706 on. In Hohenaspe the oldest received church books originate from the year 1732 from the same reason.

And there in older time over the guidance of the church books binding regulations existed, the kind of the entries was not left to the individual ministers. So the first church books are a mirror of the soul respective minister loci.

In some the heart of the family researcher laughs at the thoroughness and love, with which the entries were made. In others however the opposite is the case and the value of the entries of quite problematic nature. Unfortunately also Kellinghusen belongs to these latter Kirchspielen, with whose representation as the Kirchspiel, which contains most Gloy entries, is to be begun.

Only on 9 April 1763 of king Friedrich V. a regulation given change those the ministers completely exact writings on the guidance of the church books makes. From this time on the entries - of - are refrained occasional exceptions - so usefully that a family tree without larger difficulties can be assembled.

If here and in the following of church books the speech is, then hereby only the church books are meant strictly speaking. Thus the church books, whose entries refer to the church life of the municipality members and with those the church as carriers in of official acts arises. Baptism, marriage and funeral are the three data, which are nearly always registered also into oldest church books. In vain one looks against it for the report of the days of the birth and death. Only from 1763 on also these data are also taken up to the baptizing and funeral entries. Further the church books entries concerning the Konfirmation contain, bending upward of the engaged one of the pulpit down on three following each other Sundays and - mostly however only in terms of figures without indication of the names - the attendance of the communion. More interesting than these latter entries are those of the church penalty register, the Deprecationsregisters, as it meant at that time. Here we hear of the bad Schandtaten of the family.

To the church books in the broader sense belong also grave books, church chair registers, church calculations and those the old Propstei Münsterdorf to particularly peculiar so-called missale, then after the original recordings, die-man for lack of paper on the free sheets in the God-official use of Missalbuches present made designated. These more the account system of the church serving recordings, which contain rich material also for family history, often decrease/go back into the time before the reformation.

But now to the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen and its entries over the family Gloy.

The church books in Kellinghusen.

The oldest baptismal register in Kellinghusen begins with the year 1643. It is only a narrow Heftchen bound in pergament, whose entries sometimes seem to the layman, as if would be written it not from the minister Christian Drulaeus with the goose keel, officiating at that time, but, as if the dear feather/spring cattle would have run over the paper. But with some trouble one reads gradually into the writing of that time expenditure-ends themselves thirty year war and finds equal at the beginning the first Gloy entry "the 25 Martius (March) Hans gloie to Rade its Tocher", soon thereafter "the 29 October Hans gloien to Zerlehusen (Sarlhusen) child". And in such a way then Gloy entries follows short distances after Gloy entry. They all show, like numerously already, at that time the kinship were. Are proof for the fact that the family Gloy surely already sat in far earlier time in that area.

Starting from 1647 in the baptizing entries also the name of the child and the Gevattern are called. Thus for example an entry from 30 Maius (May) the 1647 "Mechel Gloien Soehnlein reads. Lockstedt gefattern Hans Homfeld lures. Peter Reder ibid (ebendaselbst) and Hinrich of place daughter Fitzbek. N (nomen = name) Hans ".

Despite word meagreness this older entries and despite difficulty that particularly in Rade and Lockstedt at the same time several Claus and Hans Gloys to live and their children to baptize leave, without distinguisher indicated is, and that one then - as circle farmer leader already said Claus Gloy on the first family day so appropriate - between Clas sien Clas and Clas do not sien Clas nearly any longer through-found, us the names of the Gevattern with some diligence give still information over the connections of the individual lines. please was it at that time to take with the boys two men and a woman or a Jungfer in reverse and with the girls two women and a man as Gevattern. This Gevattern was predominantly taken from the relationship, only in second line from the friendship and acquaintance of the village or the neighbourhood.

Only starting from 1698 the name of the mother of the child to be baptized is specified, so that then no so large difficulties exist when the assembling of the individual baptizing entries more.

But however the register of deaths, which begins and in the next thirty years was also only break-by the piece led only 1688, is hardly to be used up to the year 1763, the year of the royal regulation over the guidance of the church books, very poorly in the wording and. Mostly the registration was content to specify the dead ones of a yearly without indication of the exact date about as follows "Juergen Gloien child - Gloy of Rade - old Hans Gloy to Fitzbek - Gloyen oldest child to Overndorff - Jasper Gloeje from Metzen uxor (wife) etc.".

Since however also the marriage register is to us at the disposal, that with the year 1671 begins and its first Gloy entry of the 11. Septembris of the yearly mentioned "Jasper Gloi with Fraw Lencke standard to" reads, can despite all obstacles the family tree of the kinship Gloy be completely set up nevertheless. To be shown however once the difficulties, which were to be overcome and be partly still overcome are, should being brought like at all all, also to the henceforth-standing family members this work again and again more near are. Each family member, the closer coworkers at the family tree, is to grow into the work, not to only see family history from stage to stage developing and win mental portion of it. Not least the planned publication of the family chronicle in individual sections serves this purpose.

Statistic and first name of the kinship Gloy in the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen.

The total number of all Gloy entries in baptize -, registers of deaths and marriage amounts to worked from the initial years on mentioned up to the year 1870, the year, up to that the church books are and by at to today the further names and data the kinship from the living kinship members themselves to be appropriately inquired should narrow, the stately sum of approximately 1200. Hereby the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen before all different might in Holstein by far most Gloy entries probably contain and therefore also for history of the kinship of special importance be.

From these 1200 total entries is allotted 576 to the baptismal register, 360 to the register of deaths and the remainder to the marriage register.

It is interesting to regard the 576 baptizing entries once more exactly to determine i.e. the number of the baptizing entries for in each case ten years. Here arise of

1643-49 10 baptizing entries 1760-69 38

1650-59 22 1770-79 26

1660-69 24 1780-89 26

1670-79 42 1790-99 20

1680-89 36 1800-09 16

1690-99 20 1810-19 l8

1700-09 29 1820-29 21

1710-19 39 1830-39 21

1720-29 30 1840-49 6

1730-39 24 1850-59 12

1740-49 41 1860-69 14

1750-59 41

We can see clear, how the birth rate rises within the Gloy kinship of church books at to a wave mountain in the time of 1670 to 1690, then again fall to sink in order to take from 1710 to 1720 a second ascent, again and to form from 1740 to 1770 the third and largest wave mountain. This time around the center 18th Century might become probably as at all as the bloom time of the kinship in the Kirchspeil Kellinghusen outstanding. Nearly in each locality of the Kirchspiels at that time Gloys sit on hooves and Katen, as Insten and craftsmen, in some Dorfschaften equal to half dozen and more.

How come now does this rule-massive ascend and dropping? Again we must go on a good old holsteinischen custom back. Indeed that that the young farmer son began the paternal yard, about a half year after it freite and in the following ten, often also twenty with thirty years and more years industriously for the presence of descendants ensured, in order to deliver with sixty years again the yard at its only more thirty year old only born ones. These and with him its brothers marry now and a second rising of the Gloy baptizing entries begin.

If we consider on the other hand the fact that the kinship Gloy was established probably already some centuries before beginning of the church books in the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen then is despite a certain reconciliation had due to the length of the time this about all thirty to forty years taking place on and clearly to recognize off nevertheless.

And still another second and substantially more serious moment shows us above small birth statistics. The break-down of the age of industry and trade, the liberalism and the Proletarisierung. While already around 1800 a strong decrease takes place due to drift after Itzehoe and other neighbouring Kirchspielen, completely strongly the so-called migration from the land, the course begins into the large cities around 1835. As we see, also in the family Gloy. Nevertheless the birth rate is reduced to whole six children from 1840 to 1850. This drift of the old homeland had which consequences, is a cultural problem of largest importance, which can be only suggested here.

We see however, family history, local history and the history of the large common native country, them form an inseparable unit.

And like that it is permitted to the family Gloy to employ here directly still another further general and more cultural view those over the first names. In them, although in the small, a bit is reflected culture history again.

The first names of the earliest and before 1500 living Gloys are not well-known us so far. They read surely differently than in the church books the so numerously specified. Due to the Christianisierung of the population slow particularly late in Holstein completely and here the old-Saxonian and friesischen first names held themselves extremely for a long time. The influence of the church begins only late regarding the first name giving. Completely particularly will it however since the reformation custom to give the child to be baptised first names which are taken from the Bible or church history.

However the vernacular transforms these Biblical names after its. From Marcus Marx and Mars, from Matheus Matthies, become Thies and Tewes, from Jacobus Jacob, from Johannes Johann and Hans, from pc. Nicolaus Clawes and Claus, from pc. George Juergen, from pc. Michael Mechel and Michel, from Petrus Peter, from Paulus the older Pawbell and younger Paul. Particularly strongly the down-German tongue changed, finds nevertheless the name of the holy Caecilie we the forms Cicilia, Cecilie, cilia, Cilie, Silke, Sile, Silja, Seia and Seua.

A composition of all baptismal names of the Gloy kinship in the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen from 1643 to 1870 results in the following frequency (the frequency of the first names in the case of the boys 1643 to 1700, thus the older time, it shows that the straight most common first names enjoyed of already at that time general popularity and from generation to generation.

Hans 54 (16) time Hartig 2 ( -)

Claus 38 (10) Ehler 2 ( -) Hinrich 22 ( 4) Fudolf 2 ( -) Jürgen 22 ( 8) Frenz 1 ( -)

Jasper 20 ( 6) Harm

Johann 16 ( 4) Daniel

Harder 13 ( 5) Friedrich

Carsten 11 ( -) Ratje (everything like above)

Detlev 9 ( 3) Timm

Jochin 8 ( 2) Ehler Harm

Michel 8 ( 6) Georg Christian

Peter 8 ( -) Jochim Hinrich

Henning 7 ( -) Johann Friedrich

Marx 6 ( 2) Johann Carl

Jacob 4 ( -) Claus Hinrich

Jens 4 ( -) Paul Christian

Paul 4 ( -) Hermann Friedrich

Tewes 3 ( 3) Hans Jürgen

Casper 3 ( 2) Peter Wilhelm

Christian 3 ( -) Johann Hinrich

Asmus 2 ( -)

Hans and Claas are the specific first names, the kinship Gloy. They and the three following constitute more than all further during collected.

While it is usual until 1750 to give to the children only one first name we find i.e. between 1750 and 1800 only one case of a double name, to Jochim Hinrich. From 1800 on will it then, more usually, the children two to give occasionally also three first names. Contrary to many other kinships, Kirchspiels Kellinghusen, in those the first name giving since the center 18th Century true Orgien does not only celebrate in the multiplicity of the first names, but also in the tasteless selection and kind-strange influence, the kinship Gloy retains the same completely amazingly strongly the tradition of the old first names of the family.

Old good custom was it, which firstborn son the first name of the grandfather outer give. The second son received the first names of the grandfather Muetterlicherseits, the third and fourth son a brother of the father or the mother. Perhaps only then one gave the own first name to the fifth or sixth son. Similarly the first names of the girls were selected. An exception took place only if no brothers and sisters of the child father or mother were present. Then one took large uncle and large aunts to assistance, or - as it means in the old books - the child father of father brother.

Here it, necessary contrary to today's custom, was not at all that that, whose first name the child received stood also at the same time with this Gevatter. For the selection of the Gevattern other criteria were determining. Above all that that the Gevattern could assist the godfather children with energetic assistance with unexpectedly early dying of parents. Thus one took young bride people with preference in hope that these would take care of the young orphans if necessary on. At poorer and child-rich families regarding an appropriate godfather gift outstanding persons, who belonged neither to the relationship nor friendship, were consulted only later and primarily than godfathers and designated them for honours the child. Thus we find Friederica Louisa Amoena, countess not only name-giving to Rantzau on width castle, for the Amoenenhoehe with Itzehoe, but also in a case in the family Gloy.

But we let the composition of all baptismal names of the daughters of the kinship Gloy in the Kirchspiel follow kellinghusen.. We find from 1643 to 1870

Anna 36 (10) times Anna Magdalena 2 ( -) times

Gretje 32 ( 5) Anna Abel 1 ( -)

Trineke 30 ( 5) Anna Catharina

Abel 27 (12) Anna Gesche (all like above)

Wiebcke 24 ( 7) Anna Dorothea

Elsche (Elsabe) 21 ( 4) Anna Wiebke Caltharina

Lencke (Magdalena) 20 ( 7) Catharina Dorothea

Stincke 11 ( 4) Catherina Margaretha

Engel 11 ( 2) Catharina Maria

Maricke 6 ( -) Catherina Louise Rudolfine

Anna Christina 6 ( -) Margarethna Elsabe

Gesche 5 ( 1) Margaretha Catharina

Idje (Ida) 4 ( -) Margareth Helene

Sielcke 3 ( 1) Maria Rebecca

Metje (Ketta) 2 ( -) Charlotte Margaretha

Lisbeth 2 ( 1) Friederica Louisa Amoena Becke 2 ( -) Johanna Margaretha

Anna Elsabe 2 ( -) Emma Helene

Anna Margaretha 2 ( -) Cäcilia Margaretha

Anna, Margaretha and Catharina and the compositions formed with them are thus with the girls, particularly like, in addition, Abel, Wiebcke, Elsabe and Magdalena. We do not find two as concisely stepping out Gloy first names as Hans and Claus with the boys however.

Also the way of writing of the maiden names in the course of the time changes much. From Gretje and Gretche of the older time will Greta and Margartha, from Antje and Ancke becomes Anna, from Trincke and Trina Catharina, from Maricke Maria, from Stincke Christina, from Lencke Magdalena, from Silcke Caecilia. From flat-German form becomes thus again the original high German.

Contents of the next booklet.

While in this first publication only once the framework both for the work on the Gloy family tree generally and for the representation of the same in the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen become given had, April appearing second publication is presumably to be begun with the description of the individual branches of the Gloy kinship and their history in that to at the beginning of. Is seeks to become, beside the branches of family in the Kirchspiel Kellinghusen already the Heiligenstedtener and those Rethwi line of the kinship thus the Gloyers to tackle.

Hopefully already some publish-worth inquiries or reports from the kinship are present up to the appearance of the second booklet also that. Since each family member can take hieran active portion, proves me recently from Karl Heinz Gloy from Stade happened cutout from the Stader day sheet. It reads

0tterndorf, 26 0ktober (1936). On Sunday the renewed organ was geweiht and handed over to the God-official use. The organ, which originates from the year 1662, was converted 1741 by organ farmer the Dietrich Christoph Gloyer in Stade. In 19. Century suffered it then various destruction, until it could be renewed now again.

Even if today still nothing over this organ farmer continues to admit Dietrich Christoph Gloyer is, then this is a trace to give way nevertheless it task will be.

And further the following request is issued to all family-with-resembled that, whose fulfilment for the complete assembly of the family tree is substantial.

Indication of the data of the own family.

As already said, the systematic treatment of the church books is accomplished only until 1870. Once from the consideration that all recent data can be inquired by the today living family members themselves, and secondly, because in the last decades a so strong drift into all world taken place hectar that the native church books no satisfying result more a small part in the family tree to cooperate by indication of these data from 1870 to today.

If a family member is for example thirty years old, thus born 1906, then it is sufficient not, if it indicates the names and data of its wife and its children beside the own, but we need also those of his parents and as also as possible its brothers and sisters. Here if the father of the a transmitter is 1880 born, then the necessity results to indicate also still the data or at least the names of grandparents on the paternal side so that the connection can be manufactured to the church books. By an example may be shown, which pattern for each married couple is to be kept tunlichst:

1. Hans Hinrich Gloy (all baptismal names, rufnamen underline),

2. born on 2 May 1873 in Itzehoe,

3. died on 27 October 1932 in Altona,

    1. Owner of yard, late grain dealer (occupation)
    2. in Overndorf with Kellinghusen (hauptsaechlichster domicile),
    3. married on 5 May 1900 in luck city
    4. with Louise Alma Catharina Gravert,
    5. these born on 1 August 1875 in Borsfleth with Krempe,
    6. lives at present in Hamburg 4, Eimsbuettelerstr. 99.

These data are in appropriate way for parents, evtl, grandparents, to make children and child children - also for dead born or early the deceased -. With all today still living kinship members is asked to communicate also the exact address so that the further and missing data can be caught up there. Main thing is not that the requested data concerning the closer family circle are completely supplied, but the fact that they - so far admits - are received as soon as possible.

Organization and financial arrangement of the kinship.

The final organization of the kinship can and on the family day in May will only be made.

However it is communicated already now that circle farmer leader Claus Gloy in Lockstedt over Kellinghusen will make further the representation of the kinship on family days and outward as descendant of the Rader main line and strength personality and reputation as given head of the family.

The further treatment of the family tree becomes of the writer of these lines, Berthold Greve in Altona-Blankenese, Goßlers Park 8, as are already accomplished for approximately four years. All the treatment of the kinship beginning questions and letters are to be addressed to the address mentioned.

Mean past faithful coworkers are thanked and given the desire expression here most cordial that in the future the number of the same may coincide with the number of all kinship members.

On the coming family day - similarly as in Dithmar - for the individual lines of the kinship of advice or chairmen selected become narrow together with pre+ ones and following one then in each case the more important to advise to be supposed,

The office of a treasurer and the mechanism post office giro accounts for the kinship transferred Dr. Alex Gloy to Kiel.

If so far not only the treatment were accomplished, but also nearly you entire financing by me, then it is probably natural that in the future applying the means is done via the kinship. The following regulation is to be struck.

Each family member determines a quarterly contribution after free discretion, which is determined on the one hand by the understanding that it the family research brings, and on the other hand naturally on its financial circumstances depends. In order to give however an approximate notion with the calculation of this quarter contribution, it is here said that such is necessary at a value of at least three realm Marks, in order to be able to resume the research in the planned way at all. The factors and considerations. to this sum - which appears perhaps quite high to some family member, in reality however the outermost border downward represents - led, are to be stated on the second family day in May.

Already now however each family member may be clear over it that of it not only the publication of the family chronicle and the free forwarding the same, but also the arrangement of the coming family daily are to be denied, on whom among other things the Itzehoer Speeldeel a flat German theatre stucco to the performance will bring. By the further expenses only their main factor, i.e. the expenditures of most diverse kind developing with the work on the coming tree in Kirchspielen and archives, is here briefly suggested.

Firm expectation may therefore expression probably become towards even, order will place. Yet where as might not be some family members also with largest interest in family history by unemployment or other reasons able to apply also with best will the minimum contribution mentioned. I ask this to communicate to me under short stating of the reasons the contribution which is applicable for it since due to not straight small manufacturing costs of the each individual copy of the chronicle a free forwarding of the next booklets cannot take place. Purpose and a goal of the whole work are to be however of conveying and of deepening if possible to each family member the knowledge before the history of the kinship.

By an execution of the chronicle in printing procedures distance was taken, since the costs arising thereby would be completely exorbitant. In order however also duplication apparatus manufactured obtains these once a representative appearance to lend late. An integration is intended in a tasteful linen cover as book.

At the conclusion of this first booklet I would like Dr. Alex Gloy in Kiel, Johannes Gloyer in Birkensee, Carl Gloy and Heinrich Glöyer in Hamburg as well as Gebr. Gloyer in Altona for the assistance thank, whom they have me with the publication of the same assign become to let.

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